A rice god
named Harry
History records wars and their warriors, but rarely the courage and achievements of the rebuilders.

Perched on a roof above Phnom Penh two solitary Australians pulled the stopper from a bottle of Russian champagne and made a toast. It was a poignant snap shot; the surrounding buildings blackened by mildew and war and the brown puddled streets empty of life.
It was 1988, the champagne was distastefully warm and the toast was sombre. The two men, Harry Nesbitt from Perth and Glenn Denning from Brisbane, were at the start of an incredible journey that would challenge their courage, their skills and their endurance beyond anything a couple of agricultural scientists would otherwise sanely anticipate. The task being asked of them, was to bring the ancient Khmer rice culture back to life – in effect, to resurrect the Killing Fields.
As the pair sat in the heavy tropical silence, they felt the full weight of this expectation. They were in a country isolated from the western world, where people were starving, where desperate farmers were being killed and maimed by landmines strewn through their fields and where, in the mountains, the Khmer Rouge driven from the capital eight years earlier by the Vietnamese Army, was still a threat.
Genocide survivors desperate to learn how to rebuild village rice production.
Genocide survivors desperate to learn how to rebuild village rice production.
Against this, against time, and against a hostile US Government, the two Australian agronomists had to teach an entire country how to feed itself again. Almost all the knowledge of traditional rice varieties and their traits, of the different soils, of irrigation and drainage, of plant breeding, cultivation, and pest management, was gone. The country’s trained agriculturists had either been murdered or forced to flee, farmers had been relocated to unfamiliar soils and terrain and, to cap it off, most of the traditional Cambodian seed had been eaten. Many farmers were now struggling with unsuitable Chinese rice varieties introduced by the Khmer Rouge.
The story of Nesbitt and Denning, and in particular Nesbitt who would be the permanent man-on-the-ground, is the story of the rebuilders; those people history rarely considers when the chronicling of war and its warriors commences.
In quiet understatement, Nesbitt recalled the moment of the champagne toast and their naively high ideals and hopes: “It wasn’t until a few days later when we started to look around that we realised what we had got ourselves into. Villages had been razed and traditional village life all but extinguished. You’d drive down narrow dirt tracks past rows of cement steps rising from the jungle to empty sky; the houses all gone. People were dying from hunger, and what they had been through was still staring them in the face; human bones were stacked in the centre of most of the major towns. A quarter of the population, anyone educated, skilled or who had worked with westerners, were killed by the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot.”
A Khmer farmer. Photo: Brad Collis
A Khmer farmer. Photo: Brad Collis
Emergency action
The recovery plan, still being fine-tuned as Nesbitt and Denning sat on the building given to them by the departing Vietnamese army, was for Nesbitt to begin an urgent rice-production program using Cambodian seed collected before the war and stored in the International Rice Research Institute’s (IRRI) germplasm bank in the Philippines.
Nesbitt also had to start training a local support team. Denning’s job was to direct the overall science from his existing IRRI base south of Manila. With no time to breed new rice varieties through genetic crossing, it was a case of identifying the best traditional varieties, planting them out, and selecting the highest-yielding plants from each crop.
Glenn Denning and Indian plant breeder Ram Chaudary who joined the agriculture recovery team
Glenn Denning and Indian plant breeder Ram Chaudary who joined the agriculture recovery team
This had to be done concurrently with other equally mammoth goals, as Nesbitt explained: “We basically had to build a whole new farming infrastructure, including a system of national agricultural research for the Cambodians to later take over.
'This meant training people up to PhD level. But the most urgent of all was to raise basic household food production.”
The ambitious program, eventually to be called the Cambodian-IRRI-Australia Project (CIAP) was boldly funded by AusAID in defiance of the US, which remained hostile to Cambodia and to the Australian Government’s intentions there. This opposition meant Nesbitt was on his own; no peacekeeping force to watch his back while he began the painstaking process of rebuilding a destroyed nation, from its bloody paddy fields up.
The CIAP office in Phnom Penh. Photo: Brad Collis
The CIAP office in Phnom Penh. Photo: Brad Collis
The effort needed large measures of practical science, humour and courage. When Nesbitt’s first plant-breeding trials were run on disputed land, the CIAP office was destroyed in a grenade attack, rifle shots were fired into Nesbitt’s house and a price was put on his head: “We would clean up and move on, trying not to think about another attack.”
One of his first locally trained agricultural technicians was killed when the CIAP Toyota HiLux was ambushed and machine-gunned by remnant Khmer Rouge. Even normal day-to-day living was a trial: “For the first four months I was constantly ill,” Nesbitt said . “The living conditions were grim, the few eating places that had opened were filthy. We worked long hours for six days and the seventh, Sunday, was ‘survival day’ spent scouring the city for food and basics like soap, detergent and toilet paper.”
Nesbitt never considered giving up. Even in 1997 during another attempted coup when most of the expatriate population fled, Nesbitt stayed, bolstering the morale of his Khmer staff, and demonstrating in the most practical way possible that he would not leave until the job was done. When that moment arrived near the end of 2001, this tenacious son of a Perth boilermaker/welder had emerged from the mud, the dust and the blood a Cambodian legend; the unheralded scientist behind one of the most remarkable social and economic recoveries in modern history.
Interviewed a decade later, farmers and their families tell stories that have a common thread: in a remarkably short period they moved from hunger to hope, to relative prosperity. Ouk Chor, a community leader at Tongke Village in Takeo province held off until 1998 before taking the plunge and asking the CIAP team for help. “We were all hungry, there was never enough rice. So we decided to try the new IRRI varieties, learn about fertilisers and how to make more efficient use of the soil with irrigation … and we doubled the harvest.
A Cambodia farmer winnowing her harvest. Photo: Brad Collis
A Cambodia farmer winnowing her harvest. Photo: Brad Collis
“Now we are growing two, sometimes three crops a year, the village is making money from the surplus and we are considering diversifying into melons and mung beans. Before, we could only think of how hungry we were. Now we are building businesses.”
To the east in the Svay Rieng province, a widow whose husband was murdered by Pol Pot forces celebrated a more modest result. The improved production from her small farm allowed her to pay for two daughters’ weddings, buy a second-hand battery-powered television set and, even more critically, earn enough money to pay medical bills.
When Nesbitt arrived in Cambodia in November 1988 (with his pregnant Canadian wife Betty), 65 per cent of the Cambodian population were women and almost half of these were under the age of 16. Rice production under the Khmer Rouge had plummeted by over 80 per cent. A country, which in the late 1960s had been one of South-East Asia’s leading rice exporters, was now a wasteland, scarred by thousands of kilometres of slave-built irrigation channels that were utterly useless.
Former agricultural research station destroyed by the Khmer Rouge.
Former agricultural research station destroyed by the Khmer Rouge.
The agricultural engineers who might have made them functional had been murdered in the purge of the professional classes. With the help of the Department of Agronomy in the new, somewhat fragile Cambodian Government, Nesbitt assembled a small team of local trainees and started trialling the most promising Cambodian rice varieties, as well as the high-yielding IRRI-developed IR66 variety, which allowed two crops a year.
While growing the new varieties to determine how to farm them under the varying Cambodian soil and climatic conditions, the CIAP team also had to start working with farmers to prepare them for new technologies, such as modern fertilisers and their application, irrigation, new harvest and post-harvest technologies, and integrated pest management – the non-chemical control of insects. The team was expanded to include a prominent Indian plant breeder, Ram Chaudhary, and an American social scientist, Richard Lando, who had to pretend he was Dutch. It was an unceasing race against time; keeping bellies full while engendering an agricultural revolution, which was greeted by the bulk of the population with anxiety.

The Killing Fields
Nesbitt and Denning immersed themselves into people’s personal stories; to understand their state of mind: “When people started to tell you a bit about themselves the constant phrase was, ‘I’m the only one left’, and you began to realise how fragile the place was.
“We actually made a point of going to Chung Eck, the killing fields near Phnom Penh to try and understand better how people were feeling. The open graves were still littered with bones, fragments of clothing … teeth. It was sickening, but it helped us appreciate why people might be frightened of more change and why we needed to assure them we’d be staying for the long haul. This was neither the place nor the time for quick fixes because aside from everything else, some part of the country was always going to be in drought or flood or ravaged by disease.”
Exhumed bones being sorted during the clean-up of a ‘killing field’ near Phnom Penh. An estimated 2.5 million people were murdered by the Khmer Rouge in its quest to take the country back to a pre-industrial order. Photo: Ole Sorenson
Exhumed bones being sorted during the clean-up of a ‘killing field’ near Phnom Penh. An estimated 2.5 million people were murdered by the Khmer Rouge in its quest to take the country back to a pre-industrial order. Photo: Ole Sorenson
The basic formula for kickstarting Cambodia’s economic and social recovery was to lift its rice production from subsistence to sustenance to surplus, which would then form the foundations on which the CIAP team could start building a more diversified agricultural economy. The key was the introduction of the high-yielding rice varieties, the best of which required irrigation, something that farmers accustomed to rain- fed conditions hadn’t used before. It also meant mobilising the population once again to construct irrigation canals. The canals, typically 20 to 30 kilometres long, were built under a ‘food for work’ scheme that attracted thousands of willing hands. Payment was one kilogram of rice per cubic metre of soil excavated by basket.
People travelled long distances and set up makeshift camps to be part of the food-for-work program.
People travelled long distances and set up makeshift camps to be part of the food-for-work program.
One of the first canals, running east from Takeo for about 30kilometres to a river flowing into Vietnam, attracted a labour force of 30,000. By this stage the CIAP team was attracting support from a number of other international government and non-government organisations, in particular World Vision, the large German aid organisation, GTZ, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Catholic Relief Services and Oxfam, which funded the technical expertise for the canal construction. “While this was happening we were still playing around with variety improvements, nutrient and water management, and green-manuring as well as phosphate fertilisers … and pretty much learned that we had no idea,” Nesbitt said. “There was just no information anywhere on the constraints (soils, environmental and social factors such as gender issues) to rice production in Cambodia. We really did have to start from scratch and expand the program to include soil specialists, agricultural engineers and sociologists.”
New generation
Pictures: Chan Phaloeun in 2001 at the site of a destroyed research station; and meeting with farmers to discuss progress. Photos: Brad Collis
Not long after Nesbitt and Chaudhary started they were joined by two young local graduates from Russian universities, Chan Phaloeun and Men Sarom, who represented the start of the Cambodian Government’s long-term aspirations of having its own institute of agricultural research.
Survivors of the past, they were to be trained to set the future. Phaloeun, who was assigned to work with Nesbitt, had only just survived the Khmer Rouge labour camp where her father, a pharmacist, had committed suicide when he became too ill to work. After four years of punishing labour on a starvation diet of porridge made from boiled rice and water, the 17-year-old Phaloeun succumbed to malaria. Instead of hospitalisation, she was simply taken from the camp with 11 other dying teenagers to a village where they were abandoned. All died except Phaloeun, who through sheer will, hung on and was slowly, covertly, nurtured by the villagers.
“I remember the people deciding not to feed me because I would be dead in a few days. But I asked for some rice and fish. I said if I was going to die the food would make it easier. As soon as I started eating proper food I began to recover, but I was still close to dying for a long time. The food made my stomach bloat and my skin was fragile like paper and easily broke. I was so weak I couldn’t even count to 10. I would get to five and stop because it was too hard. It was six months before I could stand on my feet.”
Phaloeun was still gravely ill when the Khmer Rouge were driven out from Phnom Penh, where she was taken and nursed back to health by a doctor who survived the purges by disguising himself as a ‘cyclo’ (rickshaw) driver, which some professionals had managed to do. For years Phaloeun tried to find him again, but he had vanished as mysteriously as he had appeared.
Phaloeun’s near-death from starvation became a powerful experience in her life, changing a girl who had grown up in middle-class comfort into someone acutely sensitive to the suffering caused by hunger and poverty. Helping farmers improve food production became an unswervable quest. The chance to work with Nesbitt, a western agronomist, seemed at first like a dream: “In 1988 you were only allowed to study in Russian or Vietnamese. This was a chance to learn English and to learn how to do proper scientific research. I was so excited, especially when Harry and I started driving to the provinces to find farmers to work with us. We had the only car so it was always full of people. I was proud … to be a part of the project … to be learning and helping with such important work. We were starting the rebuilding of Cambodian agriculture and we had to put food into people’s stomachs while we rebuilt the knowledge.
“In the beginning farmers were only interested in filling their stomachs. We knew we had to meet this basic need before they could be encouraged to experiment. People’s priority when we started was to stay alive. And that was just one job. The other was to plan a long-term research program and set up training courses, for farmers and for agriculturists. For example, farmers didn’t know how to only select seed from the highest-yielding plants. Farmers were simply putting aside a certain amount of grain for seed when they harvested. We showed them how to choose seed plants at the early tillering stage by recognising the yield indicators from the panicle, the growing points on the plant. The panicle can tell you in advance how productive a plant it is.
“We also taught farmers how and when to apply fertiliser. Some fertilisers were chemical, like urea, but many farmers couldn’t afford this so we introduced green manure – nitrogen-fixing legumes that could be grown and dug into the soil with bullock manure.”

From starvation to sustainability
By 1995, just seven years after Nesbitt and Denning had sat on their Phnom Penh roof and pondered the future, the national rice harvest achieved a small surplus. It didn’t mean everyone had enough to eat, but it did mean the country had a foundation on which to begin building a sustainable agricultural economy.
In provinces where farmers were now bringing in tonnes rather than kilograms per hectare due to the new varieties, new farming methods and multiple crops, Nesbitt was afforded the deference of a god. At the growing number of farmer field schools taken over by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations his name would trigger spontaneous applause.
For some farmers the gains were modest, like the widow who was simply relieved to not be forced to sell her farm to meet her medical expenses. But for others, the technologies opened a future that a few years earlier would have been inconceivable.
Sam Vesha was only a baby during the Pol Pot era. Unfettered by the past he represented a new generation that grasped with vigour the opportunities offered by the CIAP program.
Sam Vesha. Photo: Brad Collis
Sam Vesha. Photo: Brad Collis
His 2.4-hectare farm in the Svay Rieng province near the Vietnam border became a model for the future. His rice yields rose from 800 kilograms a hectare to two tonnes a hectare, allowing him to turn part of his farm over to alternative enterprises such as fish ponds for aquaculture, and horticulture. A farm that in the mid-1990s was still barely feeding its extended family was by the turn of the century generating an income of about US$250 – a fortune then in Cambodia and Vesha was about to trial high-value aromatic rices for export. Hunger had faded into childhood memory.
Chan Phaloeun meeting with a family to discuss progress. Photo: Brad Collis
Chan Phaloeun meeting with a family to discuss progress. Photo: Brad Collis
Rice miller Kith Bou Khim with a full store. Photo: Brad Collis
Rice miller Kith Bou Khim with a full store. Photo: Brad Collis
Science restored
In 1998 one of Harry Nesbitt’s early proteges Men Sarom returned from undertaking a PhD in Western Australia as preparations were made to replace CIAP with a new Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI).
The modern Cambodia Agricultural Research and Development Institute. Photo: Brad Collis
The modern Cambodia Agricultural Research and Development Institute. Photo: Brad Collis
Sarom was chosen as the institute’s first director and Phaloeun his deputy. Formally inaugurated in November 2000, CARDI served as both a symbolic and functional gateway to Cambodia’s full economic recovery.
Rice production had increased by 70 per cent since the start of the CIAP program, agriculture was diversifying, and living conditions had improved immeasurably. The rice surpluses since 1995 had been sustained and a small export trade begun.
CARDI researcher Then Rothmuny planting rice seed as part of a modern rice-breeding program. Photo: Brad Collis
CARDI researcher Then Rothmuny planting rice seed as part of a modern rice-breeding program. Photo: Brad Collis
In December 2001, Nesbitt, the man who helped make it possible, finally packed his bags for home; his work done.
During his years in Cambodia he keenly studied the ancient Khmer civilisation, which was the first to develop sophisticated rice irrigation from the 9th to the 15th centuries.
The temple Angkor Wat is the centerpiece of an extraordinary engineering infrastructure that once irrigated an estimated 500 square kilometers. It was this history that had been at the heart of the Khmer Rouge’s warped ambitions for an agrarian revolution. The modern triumph and historical tragedy is that if Cambodia does now secure and sustain an era of agricultural prosperity, it will be thanks not to war or revolution, but to a rice god named Harry.
Harry Nesbitt at Angkor Wat in 2001. Photo: Brad Collis
Harry Nesbitt at Angkor Wat in 2001. Photo - Brad Collis

Known as the 'Seed Hunter' Dr Ken Street searching remote landscapes in Armenia (the origin of many food crops) for ancestral plants that could possess crucial lost genetic resources. Photo: Brad Collis
Known as the 'Seed Hunter' Dr Ken Street searching remote landscapes in Armenia (the origin of many food crops) for ancestral plants that could possess crucial lost genetic resources. Photo - Brad Collis
Gene banks
The future of humankind stands perilously on the planet’s capacity to keep growing food. A key element of managing this are global gene banks; secure stores where seeds from food crops are preserved as a safeguard against calamity. The most recent of these life-preserving vaults is the Svalbard Global Seed Vault on a remote island halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole. Another is at Horsham in Victoria, Australia, where seed rescued from the destroyed ICARDA seed bank in Syria is now kept.
The famine-averting work of the Cambodian-IRRI-Australia Project was only made possible by the good fortune of traditional Cambodia rice seed having been collected just before the 1975 Khmer Rouge revolution and stored at IRRI in the Philippines.
The existence of such seed banks protecting the planet’s genetic resources is largely unknown, but the research and collection missions inherent in their functioning are arguably the most important science being undertaken on planet Earth.
In 2003 Harry Nesbitt was made a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for his 13 years in Cambodia as agronomist/team leader of the Cambodia IRRI-Australia Project. On his return to Perth, Western Australia, in 2002 he worked as a consultant agronomist before being appointed Adjunct Professor at the University of Western Australia.
Glenn Denning is today a professor of professional practice and founding director of the Master of Public Administration in Development Practice program at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. He previously held senior management and research positions at the International Rice Research Institute, the World Agroforestry Centre, and the Earth Institute. Denning has advised governments and international organizations on agriculture, food security, and sustainable development. He has recently published a book based on his 40 years of direct involvement in the pursuit of global food security.
Universal Food Security how to end hunger while protecting the planet
Dr Chan Phaloeun is today Undersecretary of State of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries for Cambodia.
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